This man, sheesh! You just don’t know what he does to me. I met him here in New York about a year and a half ago. The long-distance dating turned into one of us having to make a move quickly. Originally from Chicago, Shad knew that Atlanta was the mecca of the film industry and was planning to move here anyway. Us meeting just happened to be icing on the cake. We have been inseparable ever since day one. With plans to be married by the end of the year, I was happy to have found my soulmate in Shad. He has known of my love of traveling from day one.
Rashad gives me the fantasy of it every chance he gets, and I knew that tonight would be no different. The subtle rumble of thunder brought me back into the present moment. The rain plus this downtown Atlanta traffic made the wait of me getting him even harder to resist. Now bumper to bumper, the sea of red brake lights fueled the fire of me needing him right then and there. I turned on the radio to distract my thoughts as the People’s Station began playing the quiet storm. Damn. I could not catch a break tonight. My face must have had my thoughts all over it because I heard him chuckle. My eyes quickly flashed at him as he knew me all too well. “My baby wants some of this dick, huh? I got chu’,” his sexy ass voice said as I watched his brown eyes eyeing my breasts in my fitted button-up dress. With every breath I took, my breasts heaved out of the neatly tucked lace bra at the opening. Unable to resist the urge, “You say you got me, Shad? Can you get me now?” my reply to him included replacing my hand on his dick. Its thickness swelled slightly as if to say keep fucking with me. We were at a complete stop now and Shad leaned back in the driver’s seat of his Navigator, put his hand on the headrest of my seat, and turned his attention on me. “Show me what part you want me to get first, A’mia,” his eyes looked directly into mine with a look of pure heat. Never one to fuck around with giving my man what he wants, I unbuckled my seat belt and leaned over to kiss him. My tongue traced the outline of his lips and tasted the cinnamon from the Fireball I assumed he had earlier. I loved the taste of him and before I could react the way I always do, he caught my tongue, and sucked on it. I moaned at the feel of him and his lips widened only to plunge his tongue deeply into my mouth. Breathing heavily, I leaned in further, wanting to feel him all over me. This went on for what seemed like forever when he broke the kiss at the sound of car horns blaring behind us. “See look at you, with your sexy ass,” he said gruffly, wiping the transferred tinted gloss from his lips. He re-positioned his seat before moving forward with the flow of traffic. I wasn’t satisfied with just a funky ass kiss (smiles), but I...
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Ready for Spilled Milk ? Here's a taste.
This story is called, Ride With Me... All rights owned by @senoj_the_writer Ride with Me I have always been a rider. Cars. Airplanes. Trains. Busses. Of them all, road trips excite me. Late night drives. Long conversations. Laughs and music. Destinations known and unknown. Even in the rain. Bumping my slow jams as it rains. Take a ride with me. The views are much better when you are in the driver’s seat… This is my thing and he knows it. I love late night drives. It does not matter when we go, just as long as we end up at my favorite place at the end of it, the climax. He takes me there every single time. I slyly look at him from lowered eyes. His sexy ass, I think to myself. From his low cut to his full beard, I licked my lips, wanting to taste him so bad. His dark chocolate skin was as smooth as butter and as if he felt me looking at him, he smiled, and my heart melted. His thick full lips opened ever so slightly to show off that one sexy ass dimple and those pearly whites. He had a smile to die for. I watched as his beautiful brown eyes slowly turned back to the road. His concentration was now back on the road ahead through the heavy downpour is downright cute. My eyes slid further down, from his strong neck with my favorite tat down to his strong shoulders and chest. He was not overly buff, yet his body was sculpted in all the right areas, not too hard and with definition. My mouth watered thinking about the many nights that I kissed every part of him. Tonight will be no different, I chuckled to myself. My eyes kept going, focusing in on the thick bulge in his grey sweatpants. The imprint made me catch my breath, knowing that even though he was not fully aroused, the thick meat that lay on one side begged to be touch. Unconsciously, I reached out, watching as my manicured hand sprawled over the massive mound. Cupping him ever so slightly, my eyes snaked back up to his face, watching the muscle in his jaw twitch slightly. “You gonna be good, ma, and let me drive?” he said, his voice low and gruff as he briefly looked at me. I gave him that look, the one he always gets whenever we ride out together and I pulled this shit. He knew when he called to tell me that he was at the airport waiting to pick me up, that tonight would be no different. I was going to act up no matter the situation. Stormy weather and late-night rides are my sensual vibes. There’s no controlling my mood. I removed my hand to position my body towards my window, trying to honor his wish. I guess I could be good because only a few short hours ago, I had been so bad… I was in New York when I called my fiancé, RaShad, to remind him of my flight arrival home. I had just finished wrapping up a major partnership event for my publishing company, Situations by Senoj, and was expecting to return to Georgia by ten that night. Not only was I an author myself but I managed the publishing of several upcoming authors so my job required a lot of traveling. Exhausted from the day’s events, I called Shad (my nickname for him) to tell him all about my day but was disappointed when he did not pick up and I got his voicemail instead. As I caught a cab back to West 57th, Shad texted me to say that he was in a business meeting of his own and that he would call me back shortly. Working on producing his own film with Atlanta’s biggest playwright, Rashad was making a name for himself with this project. The project, Spilled Milk Situations, was sure to be a hit in theaters at the end of 2021, right in time for the holidays. I texted him back to let him know that I was heading back to my hotel room to take a short nap before my flight left at eight. Making my way to room at the Park Hyatt, I showered and climbed in bed, naked. My body was tired, but my mind was on one hundred. I thought about Rashad and just like that, my body begin to hum. As if he felt me craving him, my phone rang and the moment I picked up, he said, “What’s the color of the day?” I smiled because I knew where this conversation was going. This was just what I needed to get some satisfaction before my flight. “Bodied by brown,” I said sweetly, my favorite answer to his sexy ass question. “Shit, you know that’s my favorite,” he growled into the phone, referring to my melanin rich body. I giggled sexily and immediately began running my hands all over my nakedness. “Show me,” he demanded as he switched the call to video. Instantly, his face appeared, and my breath caught in my throat. It was time for us to do what we do… |
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June 2022